Today I had lunch with movers and shakers in the Santa Clara county. State Senator Jim Beall was speaking about issues he is addressing at the state level, which impacts all of us. Homelessness was one of the various topics he raised. Ironically, I had raised this conversation, about the homelessness in San Jose, at my table not knowing that Mr. Beall will later raise the issue too. I was fortunate enough to spend lunch with a couple of very powerful and friendly people. A philanthropist who I will be following up with.
At one point the conversation turned to women’s rights to decide what happens with their bodies. Very engaging and enlightening conversation.
A video, maybe the gateway to becoming homeless
When I shared with the philanthopist my current concern, how to compassionately support our homeless population, she shared with me a great video. The video is not about homelessness, per se, it is rather about the poverty right here in Silicon Valley. http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/23/opinions/sutter-apple-google-poverty/index.html
What are you doing to make a difference with people? A hug and a smile often can make a huge difference.