I feel so special – life as an introvert

The way I see life as an introvert is like this, at times I can be just as social as most people.  However, most of the time I am simply enjoying resolving life’s opportunities in my head.  Said differently, living as an introvert.

When people think they know me they would swear I am an extrovert.  They are mistaken.  Newly admitted to a group, I am usually quiet and very thoughtful.  I will open up with time.  I put this blog post under “Stigma” because sometimes it feels like being an introvert has some negative label or assessment.  Much like AD/HD or ADD has a stigma.  These are somehow misconstrued as mental health weaknesses.

I beg to differ.  Once people know me they really like what I bring to the relationship, community or group.

Today an article on Huffington Post sparked my sharing.  The article is about highly successful introverts.  I bet a high number of them also have the markings or traits of AD/HD.

I entrust you with the opportunity to get to know me, I know I look forward to the same.